News about this Web Site

If you plan to visit this site frequently, you should link to this page, to find out about recent updates and changes.

Site History

Sep 02, 1998:
Updated older Pondicherry phone numbers (5 digits) to newer phone numbers (2 + old 5 digits). Numerous minor editing chores.

May 10, 1998:
Updated addresses and phone numbers of Ashram departments. Also updated center lists.

January 4, 1998:
Added an audio recording: The Mother reading from "The Mother".

August 14, 1997:
Added a new Ashram Section

July 4, 1997:
Web site moved to:

June 1, 1997:
Added an extract from Letters on Yoga, Part 3.

December 3, 1996:
Added external links.

December 1, 1996:
Added two selection areas to Mother's writings in the literature section: Words from Long Ago, On Education. Also added new selection to Questions and Answers. Finally, added pictures to Mother's selections.

November 24, 1996:
Updated to HTML 3.2 standards; modified B&W images.

July 22, 1996:
Added glossary of Sanskrit and English terms used in Integral Yoga literature.

February 27, 1996:
Added images to the Auroville section; also added a new section on the building of the Matrimandir.

February 17, 1996:
Added images of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to these pages:

January 27, 1996:
Added The Mother's Birthday Celebrations

November 11, 1995:
Added several chapters from 'The Life Divine': Book One: Chapters 1 through 5, and Chapter 23; and Book Two: Chapter 20 and Chapters 23 through 28.

October 15, 1995:
Added The Message of the Gita.

August 15, 1995:
'Official' opening of site.

August 1, 1995:
During the past months, extensive work was done on the lower level pages, and these were linked into the top level pages today.

April 15, 1995:
Added an introduction to this Yoga.

March 26, 1995:
Added World Community section.

March 19, 1995:
Search tool added.

February 28, 1995:
Auroville section added.

February 21, 1995:
Site created by users in the 'auroarchive' email discussion group at ''.

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