The Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education is an integral part of the Ashram. Started as a small school by the Mother in 1943 gradually expanded in the following decade to become the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. Inaugurated in 1952, the Centre of Education currently has around 400 students, with classes ranging from kindergarten to college level. It seeks to provide an integral education for its students by encouraging the development of all the parts of their being - mind, life, body, soul and spirit. Its method of teaching is a combination of direct instruction by the teacher and a "free progress system" in which the student pursues his own course of study with the teacher's help. The Department of Physical Education organises the physical education programme for the students of the Centre of Education and the members of the Ashram. A dedicated group of instructors known as "captains" give training in athletics, gymnastics, aquatics, games, combative sports and asanas. The Centre of Education is an integral part of the Ashram.
The Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education can be reached at:
Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education
The aim of education is not to prepare a man to succeed in life and society, but to increase his perfectibility to the utmost. - The Mother
It is not brilliant students that we want, it is the living souls. - The Mother
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Last modified on May 10, 1998