August 6-12, 1995
From August 6th to August 12th in Crestone, Colorado, Gaia Esprit Academy and Sri Aurobindo's Learning Center are sponsoring a follow-up to last summer's Savitri/Agenda workshop.
This gathering will use the Mother's Agenda and Sri Aurobindo's Savitri as a means to invoke the supramental force: a collective aspiration toward the growing physical presence of the Mother's force in our lives. This is not an intellectual study or a lecture about these two great works, but an attempt through them to enter intensely and deeply, maybe even physically, into the ongoing process of transformation itself. The program features two daily sessions of meditation and reading where correspondences between Savitri and the Agenda will be deeply explored.
Lodging will be at the Baca Townhouses. Due to space restrictions, attendance is limited to 25 people. Workshop fees, including room and board are $275 per person for the entire session or $150 for 4 days (3 nights: Sunday-Tuesday or Wednesday-Friday). If needed, other schedules can be accommodated. A $50 deposit is requested in advance. Crestone is a 3 hour drive from Colorado Springs, a 4 hour drive from Denver, and a 1 hour drive from Alamosa. Attendees can make flight arrangements to arrive in Colorado Springs on the evening of the 5th or the morning of the 6th. A shuttle van will travel to Crestone in the early afternoon of the 6th. Arrangements can also be made for arrivals at the airport in Alamosa, CO. The Sri Aurobindo Learning Center will also sponsor a 3-day Darshan celebration and symposium, August 13th, 14th and 15th. Attendees who wish to stay on may do so for an additional $35 per day and meals may be purchased locally.
It is important that attendees confirm their registration and travel arrangements with the workshop coordinator, Rod Hemsell, at 719-471-7860, as soon as possible, so that we may plan to accomodate everyone.
Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________
# attending: ________
I/We will be attending:
[ ] The full workshop
[ ] Sunday through Tuesday, returning Wed.
[ ] Wednesday through Friday, returning Sat.
[ ] Other: _____________ through ______________
Please make checks payable to:
Gaia Esprit Academy
1611 Howard Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
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Last modified on Aug 12, 1995