You are invited to come and experience the awe-inspiring heights of the High Sierra over the Fourth of July weekend with a group of fellow sadhaks. This four day Integral Yoga Retreat will include a short hike to a base camp (situated on the shores of a pristine mountain lake), daily discussion groups, fire-side meditations, readings from Savitri, and a silent ascent to an 8,000 foot peak overlooking the lake. This is an opportunity to immerse yourself in magnificent mountain scenery in the company of a group of fellow sadhaks. No backpacking experience is necessary, nor do you have to be in top physical condition.
Dates: Saturday, July 1 through Tuesday, July 4th, 1995
On Saturday, we will carpool from Lodi in the early morning hours (about 6:00 am); if you live in Southern California or the Bay Area you may stay overnight in Lodi on Friday night to make the journey easier.
Registration Deadline: June 15, 1995 (flexible)
Location: The base camp for the three nights/four days will be at Grass Lake, near Plumas-Eureka State Park, in the Recreation Lakes area about an hour northof Truckee on route 89. The hike from the trailhead to the campsite is quite easy, rising only a few hundred feet over 1 1/2 miles. This is in the Gold Lake area, one of the most accessible and scenic areas in the High Sierra.
Meals: Meals will be planned and cooked by the leaders. Participants with outdoor cooking experience can plan their own meals. Costs of meals will beshared by the groups. Each participant is encouraged to bring any light-weight snacks you require.
Equipment: You will need a sturdy pair of footwear (hiking boots preferred), a sleeping bag, extra clothes (remember, you will be in the wilderness for four days and three nights), a backpack to carry everything in (packs can be rented at many recreation supply stores such as REI and Sports Mart), toiletries, a flashlight (with extra batteries), and a small first aid kit.
This list only comprises the basics. For a more complete list of backpacker necessities, contact Prapanna (909-629-0108) or Dave Hutchinson (916-734-1174).
Saturday, July 1:
6:00 a.m. Leave Lodi.
9:00 Arrive at Trailhead, begin hike by 11:00.
2:00 p.m. Set up Base Camp at Grass Lake.
3:30 Get Acquainted Session/Introductions.
5:00 Dinner.
7:30 Campfire Meditation/Chanting and Reading from Savitri (Book 4, Canto
4, "The Quest").
Sunday, July 2:
8:00 am Early morning stroll/reading from Savitri (Book 2, Canto 1, "The
World Stair").
9:30 Breakfast.
10:30 First session on Bases of Yoga: Aspiration, Rejection, Surrender.
1:00 pm Hike around the lake, have a snack, take a dip, say a prayer.
5:00 Dinner
7:30 Fire Side Discussion on Planes & Parts of the Being, the Psychic
Being: How to Bring/Keep It in the Front, etc. Selections from the
"Letters on Yoga" and works of the Mother.
Reading from Savitri (Book 7, Cantos 4 and 5, "The Triple
Soul Forces" and "The Finding of the Soul").
Monday, July 3:
8:00 am Early morning stroll/reading from Savitri (Book 8, Canto 3,
"Death in the Forest" and Book 9, Canto 1, "Towards the Black Void").
9:30 Breakfast.
10:30 Silent Ascent to the Top: No speaking or chit-chat; let Savitri
be our voice. Reading from Savitri upon the summit of Round Top
Mountain (Book 3, Cantos 3 and 4, "The Adoration of the Divine
Mother" and "The House of the Spirit and the New Creation").
Afternoon: Return and rest.
5:00 pm Dinner
7:30 Fire Side Discussion on the Ascent of the Being and the Descent of
the Force. Selections from the Letters on Yoga and Works of the
Mother. Reading from Savitri (Book 10,
Canto 4, "The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real").
Tuesday, July 4:
8:00 am Early morning stroll/reading from Savitri (Book 11, Canto 1,
"The Eternal Day").
9:30 Breakfast.
10:30 Final Session/Comments, Suggestions for future retreats.
1:00 pm Break camp & hike back to cars.
To register for the retreat fill out the form below, check the appropriate areas and mail to:
Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Peetham
Attn: Prapanna
2621 W. Highway 12
Lodi, CA 95242
Registration Form for High Sierra Integral Yoga Retreat
Name: _____________________________________
Address: ____________________________________
City: ______________________________________
State: ___________ Zip: ____________
Ph. ____________________________
_____ I am an experienced Backpacker.
_____ I am not an experienced Backpacker.*
_____ I will plan my own meals.
_____ I would like to join a meal-planning group.
_____ I will plan on staying overnight Friday at SASP, Lodi; please send carpool information.
_____ I will meet the group at the Trailhead; please send directions.
*We will forward information on how to prepare for the wilderness.
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Last modified on Aug 12, 1995