Integral Yoga Events in USA - Sierra Retreat

Second Annual High Sierra Integral Yoga Retreat

August 1-4, 1996

You are invited to come and experience the awe-inspiring heights of the High Sierra over the first weekend in August with a group of fellow sadhaks. This three-day Integral Yoga Retreat will include a short hike to a base camp (situated on the shores of a pristine mountain lake), daily discussion groups, fire-side meditations, readings from Savitri and other works, and lots of hikes and swimming. This is an opportunity to immerse yourself in magnificent mountain scenery in the company of a group of fellow sadhaks. No backpacking experience is necessary, nor do you have to be in top physical condition.

Dates: Thursday, August 1 through Sunday, August 4, 1996

On Friday we will carpool from Lodi in the early evening. A few people will be going up Thursday night.

Location: The base camp for the three nights/days will be at Shriner Lake, off of Route 88 in the Mokelumne Wilderness. The drive from Lodi takes 2 1/2 hours.

The hike from the trailhead to the campsite is very easy, rising only a few hundred feet over 1 1/4 mile.

Equipment: You will need a sturdy pair of footwear (hiking boots preferred), a sleeping bag, extra clothes (remember, you will be in the wilderness for four days and three nights), a backpack to carry everything in (packs can be rented at many recreation supply stores such as REI and Sports Mart), toiletries, a flashlight (with extra batteries), and a small first aid kit.

This list only comprises the basics. For a more complete list of backpacker necessities, contact Dave Hutchinson (916-734-1174).

To register for the retreat fill out the form below, check the appropriate areas and mail to:

Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Peetham
Attn: Vishnubhai
2621 W. Highway 12
Lodi, CA 95242

Registration Form for High Sierra Integral Yoga Retreat

Name: _____________________________________

Address: ____________________________________

City: ______________________________________

State: ___________ Zip: ____________

Ph. ____________________________

_____ I am an experienced Backpacker.

_____ I am not an experienced Backpacker.*

_____ I will plan my own meals.

_____ I would like to join a meal-planning group.

_____ Please send carpool information.

_____ I will meet the group at the Trailhead; please send directions.

*We will forward information on how to prepare for the wilderness.

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Last modified on Aug 12, 1995