Integral Yoga Literature - List of Journals
Journals and Newsletters (in alphabetical order)
The Advent
Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Dept., Pondicherry 605 002, India
quarterly, annual: $20 (only by air)
edited by Samir Kanta Gupta.
The Awakening Ray
- The Gnostic Centre
- H-401, Som Vihar Apts., New Delhi 110022, India
- phone: (011) 5563070, 6179129, (0124) 360351
- email:
- web:
All India Magazine (AIM)
Sri Aurobindo Society, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry 605 002, India
monthly, $10 sea, $20 air
Auroville Today
- Auroville Today, CSR Office, Auroville 605101
- India Rs 250; for other countries Rs 1250, Can $ 51, FF 195, DM 56, It.
Lira 61,000 , D.Gl. 63, US $ 38, UK £25. This includes the postage by airmail.
- email:
- web:
- monthly update on Auroville, themes, essays, news briefs, photos. Comes
via air from India.
AVI-USA Newsletter
- free. Annual.
- news about AVI and Auroville activities.
Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry 605002, India.
sea: $8; air: $18/year. Quarterly.
English-French journal of the Ashram School.
Sri Aurobindo Association, Box 163237, Sacramento, CA 95816-9237
Phone: (209) 339-3710, fax (209) 339-3715
- email:
- web:
$20 /year US, $32 year outside of US. 3-4 times/year.
the major journal from the USA community, with excerpts from the writings
of Sri Aurobindo and Mother, news from centers around the world, individual
chronicles and experiences, essays, and humor. Managing editor is Lynda
- Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 605 002, India
- $4 (only air). annual.
- edited by Arabinda Basu.
Golden Chain
- Alumni Association of the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education
(SAICE), Pondicherry, India.
- The Golden Chain, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry 605002
- annual subscription: Rs35(India),US $6. (overseas air)
- email:
- web:
Matrimandir Newsletter
AVI USA, PO Box 162489, Sacramento, CA 95816
Phone: (916) 452-4013
free with donation to Matrimandir. Monthly.
2-4 page update with photos.
Mother India
Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Publication Dept., Pondicherry 605002, India
$18/year. Monthly.
monthly review of culture edited by poet and author K.D. Sethna, a close
disciple of Sri Aurobindo.
Peacock Letter
- Integral Knowledge Study Center, 221 Clematis St., Pensacola, FL 32503.
- quarterly.
- published by the Integral Knowledge Study Center, the Peacock Letter features
articles written on themes of spiritual and conscious development within the
context of the Integral Yoga, focusing sometimes on contemporary issues and
quests, sometimes bringing out the significance of Vedic or Upanishadic insights.
We offer news reported to us by groups around the country who maintain a close
contact with us, along with updates on the Center's ongoing projects in publications
or workshops. Material from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother appears
in its pages also.
- phone: (904) 433-3435.
- email: Rand
- web:
Regards sur Auroville
Petite Ferme, Auroville 605101, INDE
Phone: Fax/Tel: +91 413 86 2289
Sri Aurobindo Research Foundation
B-103, Amrakunj Apartments, Racecourse Circle, Baroda - 390
007 India
Sri Aurobindo's Action
Sri Aurobindo's Action, Pondicherry 605002, India.
$5/year. Sea
"The Journal of India's Resurgence" published by Udar Pinto.
Sri Aurobindo Archives and Research
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry 605002, India.
$7.50 /year. Bi-annual.
unpublished documents, poetry, and letters of Sri Aurobindo.
World Union
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry 605 002, India.
$8 sea, $14 air. Quarterly, annual.
Sri Aurobindo Society Singapore Newsletter
Sri Aurobindo Society, 2A Starlight Road, #01-07, Singapore 0821
monthly, write for subscription info.
8615 Fair Oaks Blvd., #39, Carmichael, CA 95608
a small semi-annual that explores spirituality through experiential essays,
stories and poetry. It is inspired by the work of Sri Aurobindo and the
Mother and by the American earth. John Robert Cornell, Editor. Issues may
be sporadic.
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Last modified on June 26, 1999