Collaboration is published by the Sri Aurobindo Association, Inc. (SAA), a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, 2288 Fulton St., Suite 310, Berkeley, CA 94704, U.S.A., (510) 848-1841; e-mail: Copyright 1995 SAA, Inc. All photographs of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, passages from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and excerpts from books published by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram are copyright Sri Aurobindo Ashram unless otherwise noted, and are used here with the kind permission of the Ashram. The opinions expressed in Collaboration are not necessarily those of the editors or the SAA.
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To submit material: Collaboration welcomes submissions. Send material to Lynda Lester, Box 3204, Boulder, CO 80307-3204 (e-mail: or Gordon Korstange, P.O. Box 297, Saxtons River, VT 05154 (e-mail: Send only hardcopy or photographs that we may keep, or enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for their return. Collaboration cannot be held responsible for loss or damage of unsolicited material. We will assume that letters to the editor may be published unless you indicate otherwise. Letters may be excerpted for space considerations.
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Last modified on Nov. 13, 1995