Glossary of Sanskrit Terms in Integral Yoga Literature

svalpam apyasya [api asya] dharmasya
even a little of this dharma.
[see the following]

svalpam apyasya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat
even a little of this dharma delivers from the great fear. [Gita 2.40]

in its [own] greatness.

svam damam
own or proper home. [RV 1.75.5]

svam sadah
own or proper seat. [Ved.]

by perfection in the work. [Ved.]

the dream-state, a consciousness corresponding to the subtler life-plane and mind-plane beyond.


self-perceived by the Self.

sva prakrti
the "own nature" (of the Divine) , the divine Nature.
Sva prakrtih [nominative]
svam prakrtim [accusative]

svar, svah (Swar)
"sun","luminous"; used to indicate the third of the Vedic vyahrtis and the third of the Vedic worlds corresponding to the principle of pure or unobscured mind; the luminous heaven, the world of the Sun or the Truth, the luminous world of the Divine Mind; illumined regions of Mind betveen the supramental and the human intelligence.

svaraj (Swaraj) [Hind.]
["self-rule"], national freedom, independence.

svarajya (Swarajya)
self-rule, empire of oneself, rule of one's inner being.

svarat (Swarat)

(one who has) the vision of svar. [Ved.]

svarga (Swarga)
Paradise; brahman-world.

svargaloka (Swargaloka)
heavenly world; the condition of bliss in the subtle body.

svargalokam visalam
large heavenly world. [Gita 9.21]

svarloka (Swarloka)
the world of free, pure and luminous mentality.

the might of svar or the svar-soul; the world of the power of Light (often spoken of as if it were a country - not svar itself, but the power of svar which the light of that world forms in the pure mentality) . [Ved.]
svaranaram [accusative]

svarpati (Swarpati)
the master of svar, Indra. [Ved.]

he who winneth svar. [Ved.]

svarupa (Swarupa)
self-form, true form, essential form or figure.

svarvatir apah
the waters which carry in them the light of the lurninous heaven (svar) . [Ved.]

a finder or knower of svar. [Ved.]

svarya asman
the heavenly stone (the thunderbolt of Indra) . [Ved.]
svarya asma [nominative]
svaryam asmanam [accusative]

the good state of existence, right being.


svayambhu (Swayambhu)
the Self-existent, the Self-becoming.

supreme existence supremely aware of itself; direct or essential knowledge.

svayamvara (Swayamvara)
["self-choice"; the choosing of a husband by a noble lady from an assembly of suitors].

svayancaiva bravisi me
and Thou Thyself sayest it to me. [Gita 10.13]

sve dame
in its own habitation. [Ved.]

sve dame rtasya
in the own home of the Truth. [Ved.]

svena dhamna
by their own inherent lustre. [Ved.]


see svabhava

see svadesa

see svadesi

see svadharma

see svaha

see svar

see svaraj

see svarajya

see svarat

see svarga

see svargaloka

see svarloka

see svarpati

see svarupa

see svayambhu

see svayamvara

syad va na syad va
may be or may not be.

Syamasundara (Shyama)
["beautiful dark one", a name of Krsna].

[given up in heart and mind (citta) to That].

see tat

tad brahma
that brahman.

tadbuddhayas tadatmanah
one in thought and self with That. [Gita 5.17]

tad ejati tannaijati
That moves and That does not move. [Isa 5]

tad ekam
That One. [RV 10.129.2]

tad esa rcabhyukta
this is that word which was spoken by the Rg-veda. [cf. Tait. 2.1; Brhad. 4.4.23 etc.]

tad etat satyam
That yonder is this here and the Truth. [Mund. 1.2.1; 2.1.1; 2.2.2]

tadeva etat
[that indeed is this].

tad vanam
that Delight. [Kena 4.6]

"the Luminous"; the Self that supports the Dream-State [svapna] or subtle consciousness.

tair jitah sargah
they have conquered the creation. [Gita 5.19]

Talavakara Upanisad
[another name for the Kena Upanisad].

tama (asit) tamasa gulham (gudham)
darkness veiled within by darkness. [RV 10.129.3]

tamah avayunam
darkness without knowledge. [Ved.]

darkness, obscurity; [one of the three gunas]: the mode of ignorance and inertia, the force of inconscience (translates in quality as incapacity and inaction) .

tamasah parastat
beyond darkness. [Svet. 3.8; Gita 8.9]

tamasa sarga
tamasika creation.

tamasika (tamasic)
[of the nature of tamas].

[inertia, obscurity, ignorance].

[the quality (guna) of tamas].

tam tam bhavam
to that form of becoming. [Gita 8.6]

tam tam niyamam asthaya
having set up this or that rule. [Gita 7.20]

tan mahinajayataikam
by the greatness (of its energy) that one was born. [RV 10.129.3]

the five subtle properties of Energy or Matter; the five subtle energies whose action puts the sensory consciousness in relation to the gross forms of matter: sound, touch, form, taste and smell; [sometimes considered to be the five elemental states of substance (pancabhuta) ].

1. a yogic system which is in its nature synthetical and starts from a great central principle of Nature, a great dynamic force of Nature: in the Vedic methods of yoga [i.e. the trimarga] the lord of the yoga is the purusa, the Conscious Soul, but in tantra it is rather prakrti, the Nature-Soul, the Energy, the Will-in-Power executive in the universe; it was by learning and applying the secrets of this Will-in-Power, its method, its tantra, that the tantrika yogin pursued the aims of his discipline-mastery, perfection, liberation, beatitude; the method of tantrika discipline is to raise Nature in man into manifest power of spirit.
2. [a text of the tantrika system].

tantrika (Tantric, Tantrik)
[relating to tantra; a follower of the tantra system of philosophy and yoga].

tanum sva
its own body. [Mund. 3.2.3]

tapas (Tapah)
"heat"; any kind of energism, askesis, austerity of conscious force acting upon itself or its object; the essential principle of energy.

tapasas tan mahina ajayata ekam
that one was born by the greatness of its own energy. [RV 10.129.3]

tapasvi (Tapaswi)
[one who does tapasya]

effort, energism, austerity of the personal will, ascetic force, askesis; concentration of the will and energy to control the mind, vital and physical and to change them or to bring down the higher consciousness or for any other yogic purpose or high purpose.

tapo brahma
Will-Energy [tapas] is brahman. [Tait. 3.2,3,4,5]

[world of dense essential conscious energy. (tapas) ].

world of tapas; world of infinite Will or conscious force.

[composed of tapas].

[sacrifice of tapas]; austerity of self-discipline and energy of the soul directed to some high aim.

taptam ghrtam
the burning clarity. [Ved.]

tarpana (Tarpan)
["satisfying" or "refreshing", ceremonious presentation of refreshing libations or oblations to the dead].

tasmin apo matarisva dadhati
in That the Master of Life establishes the Waters. [Isa 4]

tasyai... satyam ayatanam
of this ... truth is the dwelling place. [Kena 4.8]

That (the Absolute) .

tathaiva bhajate
so he accepts (them) to his love. [cf. Gita 4.11]

tatha karomi
so I act.

let it be so.

tato na vicikitsate
[debates not thereafter].

(they who have) fixed their whole conscious being on that (supreme reality) . [cf. Gita 4.39]

tat satyam
that Truth. [cf. RV 3.39.5; 4.54.4; 8.45.27]

tat satyam suryam tamasi ksiyantam
that Truth, the Sun Iying concealed in the darkness. [cf. RV 3.39.5]

tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya
[that most excellent light of the divine creator-Sun]. [RV 3.62.10]

tattva (Tattwa)
"thatness", a fundamental cosmic principle.

knowledge of the essential principles of Being or essential modes of self-existence [tattvas].

tat tvam asi
thou art That. [Chand. 6 passim]

in all the principles of its existence.

a class of psychological factors [tattvas].

see tattva

tava ca
and thine also. [Gita 4.5]

te bhajante mam drdha-vratah
they worship Me firm in the vow of self-consecration. [Gita 7.28]

te dvandvamohanirmuktah
they, freed from the delusion of the dualities. [Gita 7.28]

see tejas

[rejoicing in (boasting about) one's own energy (tejas)].

tejas, tejah
light of energy; force; puissance; energy and soul-force; [as one of the five bhutas: light and heat energy, see agni, definition 2].

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